

  1. 排出肺里的空气
  2. 用鼻子轻轻地吸气4秒钟
  3. 屏住呼吸数7秒
  4. exhale forcefully through the mouth, pursing the lips and making a “whoosh” sound, 8秒
  5. 重复这个循环最多4次

7/11 Breathing: Relaxing and helps gain composure/ access rational thinking parts 大脑的

  1. Sit comfortably either on a cushion or a chair with your shoulders relaxed and your 双手轻轻地放在肚子上.
  2. 如果可能的话,用鼻子吸气和呼气. 吸气,数7秒 and out for a count of 11 秒 (if you find it too hard to breathe out for so long, 从3/6秒开始,逐渐增加到7/11秒。. 最重要的是 呼气的时间比吸气的时间长.
  3. If you are doing it correctly, your shoulders will remain still and your tummy will get bigger and smaller as you breathe (called belly or diaphragmatic breathing). If you sit in front of a mirror you can keep an eye on your shoulders and tummy.
  4. Once you can keep your shoulders still and relaxed without effort it is a good idea to close your eyes and try to picture the numbers in your mind to help you concentrate 完全靠你的呼吸.


  1. 放松你的脖子和肩膀
  2. Keeping your mouth closed, inhale slowly through your 鼻子 for 2 counts
  3. 噘起或噘起嘴唇,就像你要吹口哨一样
  4. Exhale slowly by blowing air through your pursed lips for a count of 4


  1. Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent and your head on a pillow.
  2. 你可以在膝盖下面放一个枕头来支撑.
  3. Place one hand on your upper chest and one hand below your rib cage, allowing you 感受你的横膈膜的运动.
  4. Slowly inhale through your 鼻子, feeling your stomach pressing into your hand.
  5. 另一只手尽量保持不动.
  6. Exhale using pursed lips as you tighten your stomach muscles, keeping your upper hand 完全还.


  1. 在一个舒适的地方坐下或躺下.
  2. Bring your awareness to your breaths without trying to change how you’re breathing.
  3. 在正常呼吸和深呼吸之间交替进行几次. 注意它们之间的区别 正常呼吸和深呼吸. 注意你的腹部是如何随着深吸气而扩张的.
  4. 注意浅呼吸和深呼吸的感觉.
  5. 练习几分钟深呼吸.
  6. Place one hand below your belly button, keeping your belly relaxed, and notice how 它随着每次吸气而上升,随着每次呼气而下降.
  7. 每次呼气时大声叹口气.
  8. Begin the practice of breath focus by combining this deep breathing with imagery and 一个有助于放松的重点词或短语.
  9. You can imagine that the air you inhale brings waves of peace and calm throughout 你的身体. 在心里说:“吸入平和与平静.”
  10. 想象一下,你呼出的空气冲走了紧张和焦虑. 你可以对自己说, 呼出紧张和焦虑.”


  1. 进入一个舒适的坐姿. 你可以坐在你的脚跟上或者交叉你的 腿.
  2. 手掌压在膝盖上,手指张开.
  3. 用鼻子深吸气,睁大眼睛.
  4. At the same time, open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue, bringing the tip 朝下巴的方向.
  5. Contract the muscles at the front of your throat as you exhale out through your mouth 通过发出一个长长的“哈”音.
  6. You can turn your gaze to look at the space between your eyebrows or the tip of your 鼻子.
  7. 这样呼吸2到3次.


  1. 选择一个舒适的坐姿.
  2. Lift up your right hand toward your 鼻子, pressing your first and middle fingers down 朝向手掌,其他手指伸出.
  3. After an exhale, use your right thumb to gently close your right nostril.
  4. Inhale through your left nostril and then close your left nostril with your right 小指和无名指.
  5. 松开拇指,通过右鼻孔呼气.
  6. 用你的右鼻孔吸气,然后闭上这个鼻孔.
  7. Release your fingers to open your left nostril and exhale through this side.
  8. 这是一个循环.
  9. 继续这种呼吸模式长达5分钟.
  10. 以左侧呼气结束练习.


  1. 选择一个舒适的坐姿.
  2. 用鼻子吸气和呼气.
  3. Count during each inhale and exhale to make sure they are even in duration. 另外, choose a word or short phrase to repeat during each inhale and exhale.
  4. You can add a slight pause or breath retention after each inhale and exhale if you 感觉舒服. (正常的呼吸包括自然的停顿.)
  5. 继续练习这种呼吸至少5分钟.


  1. 吸气,数到5.
  2. 呼气,数到5.
  3. 继续这种呼吸模式至少几分钟.


  1. 选择一个舒适的坐姿.
  2. Stick out your tongue and curl your tongue to bring the outer edges together.
  3. 如果你的舌头不这样做,你可以噘起嘴唇.
  4. 用嘴吸气.
  5. 用鼻子呼气.
  6. 继续这样呼吸5分钟.


  1. 选择一个舒适的坐姿.
  2. 闭上眼睛,放松你的脸.
  3. Place your first fingers on the tragus cartilage that partially covers your ear canal.
  4. Inhale, and as you exhale gently press your fingers into the cartilage.
  5. 闭上你的嘴,发出响亮的嗡嗡声.
  6. 只要你觉得舒服就继续.


  1. 以舒适的姿势坐着,脊柱挺直. 把手放在膝盖上, 棕榈树面向天空. 你可以选择盘腿坐在地板上或椅子上 with feet flat on the floor, or in Virasana Pose (sitting on your heals with knees 弯曲,小腿藏在大腿下面).
  2. 深吸一口气.
  3. As you exhale, contract your belly, forcing the breath out in a short burst. 你可能 keep a hand on your stomach to feel your abdominal muscles contract.
  4. As you quickly release your abdomen, your breath should flow into your lungs automatically.
  5. 做20次这样的呼吸来完成一轮Kapalbhati调息.
  6. After completing one round, relax with your eyes closed and observe the sensations 在你的体内.
  7. 再做两轮来完成练习.

Kapalbhati breathing has been reported as helping open the sinuses and improving concentration. 它被认为是一种高级呼吸技术. 最好掌握其他技巧, 比如梵天调息法,然后再尝试这个.



  1. 让你的嘴唇轻轻地分开.
  2. 完全呼气,呼气时发出呼的声音.
  3. Press your lips together as you silently inhale through the 鼻子 for a count of 4 秒.
  4. 屏住呼吸,数到7.
  5. Exhale again for a full 8 秒, making a whooshing sound throughout.
  6. 第一次开始时重复4次. 最后重复8次.


  1. 闭上眼睛,深呼吸.
  2. 用手捂住耳朵.
  3. Place your index fingers one each above your eyebrows and the rest of your fingers 遮住你的眼睛.
  4. Next, put gentle pressure to the sides of your 鼻子 and focus on your brow area.
  5. Keep your mouth closed and breathe out slowly through your 鼻子, making the humming “唵”声.
  6. 重复这个过程5次.


  1. 深吸一口气.
  2. Exhale fully while focusing intently on 你的身体 and how it feels.
  3. After doing this a few times, slow down your exhale so that it’s twice as long as 你吸入.


  1. Sit in bed with your mouth gently closed (not pursed) and breathe through your 鼻子 以自然的速度约30秒.
  2. 有意识地用鼻子吸气和呼气一次.
  3. Gently pinch your 鼻子 closed with your thumb and forefinger, keeping your mouth closed 直到你觉得你需要再次呼吸.
  4. With your mouth still closed, take a deep breath in and out through your 鼻子 again.

许多人没有意识到他们正在过度呼吸. 这个练习可以帮助你 恢复正常的呼吸节奏.


  1. 坐直,如果用这个入睡,也许在床上.
  2. Take deep, methodical breaths in and out, counting to 4 with each inhale — through your mouth or 鼻子 — and each exhale, which should be through your 鼻子.
  3. Focus on your abdomen rising and falling, and listen for your breath sounds to come 从你的胃里.

This relaxing method is helpful for reducing habits of yawning and sighing.


  1. Sit with your back straight, breathe in, and then try to push all the air out of your 呼气时的肺部.
  2. Inhale slowly through your 鼻子 and count to 4 in your head, filling your lungs with 每个数字都有更多的空气.
  3. 屏住呼吸,在心里数到四.
  4. Slowly exhale through your mouth, focusing on getting all the oxygen out of your lungs.