



The first part of the 学生 Access Services (SAS) eligibility process is to self-identify 作为一名残疾学生并要求住宿.  

In order to evaluate accommodation and service requests, SAS will need information about how your disability will impact you 在这里 at 威尼斯人app下载. 

要开始自我认同过程,请完成 学生住宿申请 form 或者安排与SAS的会面 在这里   

All decisions regarding accommodation requests, including others not listed below, are made in consultation with the student and the Office for 学生 Access Services 根据个别学生和他们的残疾情况.

重要的: It may take up to four weeks to process and/or review your information or documentation. Freshman and new students are strongly encouraged to request accommodations from SAS 在进入威尼斯人app下载之前尽早地学习. 在读学生可要求 accommodations at any time but are encouraged to make their requests for accommodations 一旦他们意识到有这种需要.



For more information on completing a CAL request and what it means, access the 课程无障碍信函流程表格.

利用 课程无障碍信函(CAL)申请 每学期你申请学术住宿. 

After you complete the CAL request, SAS will prepare a Course Accessibility Letter 给你,并通过电子邮件发送. 然后将其发送给该集合的教授 class(es) with accomodations; your accommodations are not in place until you have 和你的教练谈过,给他们提供了CAL .  

〇要求改变住宿条件 请注意 如果要删除或添加类,必须咨询SAS. C联系学生服务办公室 access@hebhgkq.com or 在此预约 在介绍过程中讨论变化.


Any information/documentation students can readily share during or prior to their first meeting is helpful and can save time in the accommodations process. 学生 Access Services recognizes that barriers exist and can create hardship for students in regards to having and presenting third party disability documentation. 

Please don't delay submitting the self-identification form out of concern for not 有适当的文书工作. 如果你有信息/文件,我们会提供给你 有机会和你的自我识别表一起上传. 你也可以提交 透过以下方式转至学生通览服务:
